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JSC "Gazprom gas distribution Chelyabinsk": gasification of the Chelyabinsk region, installation of a gas meter, maintenance of gas equipment

Without a keyword NEWS Employees of Gazprom Gas Distribution Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinskgorgaz raised funds for the purchase of food, hygiene products and

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Employees of Gazprom Gas Distribution Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinskgorgaz raised funds to purchase food, hygiene products and essentials for those evacuated from Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The funds will be transferred to the Rostov region.

Today, in the village of Argayash, another household has been connected as part of additional gasification. Specialists of the branch of Gazprom Gas Distribution Chelyabinsk JSC in Kyshtym completed the work and launched the gas ahead of schedule.
Valentin Vasnev, director of the branch of Gazprom Gas Distribution Chelyabinsk JSC in Kyshtym, and Artur Ishkildin, deputy head of the Argayashsky municipal district, took part in the event to connect a new consumer.
32 agreements on connection within the framework of secondary gasification have been concluded with the villagers, half of them have already been completed. Acceptance of applications from residents of Argayash and the conclusion of contracts continue.

Employees of Chelyabinskgorgaz and Gazprom Gas Distribution Chelyabinsk prepared gas distribution networks for operation during the flood period. The companies have created the necessary stock of tools and materials, conducted additional briefings for operational personnel, and training sessions.
Operational services specialists carry out additional detours of gas network routes located in the zone of possible flooding, check the condition of gas pipelines and structures on them, crossing water barriers, disconnecting devices, means of protection against falling electrical wires, identify places where gas pipeline deflections can occur, damage to supports.