Sports news online in your browser

Sports news – browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox

Sports news in browser

If the sports news is interesting to you, you play on bets, you saw with your own eyes the goal of Alenichev in the Champions League final and you know who the 99 NHL number is assigned for, then you probably visit the Sports website.

It would seem a regular Internet site about footballs, hockey and this to everyone, at the moment is the best Russian sports media, to envy the leaders of the TV match.

Why Sports ru is the best place where you can read sports news?

How did it happen? Everything is very simple, initially the site was created for those who follow sports and are inspired by them.

This is a place where everyone can start their sports blog, discuss the records of other blogs about sports, and even (if there is time and effort) to prove that Ronald is still cooler than Messi. keeps up with the times, in 2017 a section on e -sports was opened. There you can familiarize yourself with the success of guys from, see how last week Olofmeister Steply took out a whole team and find out the results of any match.

Sports news is now in your browser. is a great example of how to do sports projects. Therefore, we lay out the expansion of this site for your browser. This plugin will allow you to use Sports more convenient and monitor everything that is interesting to you in the world of dispute.

Plugin for browser Sports

Expansion of Sportswill allow you:

  • monitor the news, texts and photos by tags that you are signed;
  • shut up for the update of the blogs that you are signed for;
  • shut off the statuses and comments of your friends;
  • Communicate in the chats of online matches.

P.S.: As a bonus, we share a selection of excellent stickers for all Telegram users.

P.P.S.: If you are betting on sports and earning on this, then read about the expansion of one famous bookmaker for you.