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Reception for undergraduate programs – [SU_SPOILER Title =

Reception for undergraduate programs

List of mandatory documents
For entering the undergraduate programs:


Application of the established form


Passport and copy


Education document (or copy)*




2 photos in size 3×4


Copy of certificate 086-U*

* For those who act in the areas of preparation:

  • 44.03.01 Pedagogical education,
  • 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education,
  • 44.03.03 Special (defectological) education,
  • 44.03.05 “Pedagogical education” (with two training profiles).

Accounting for individual achievements

It is carried out by accruing points for individual achievements and (or) as an advantage with the equality of the amount of competitive points applicants to undergraduate programs:


The TRP badge
(gold, silver, bronze)


The status of the champion and winner of the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games and the Surdlimpye Games


Participation and results of participation in the Olympiads, intellectual and
creative competitions, sports events


Certificate with honors or containing information about awarding a gold or silver medal


Handword's diploma


Admission to benefits

No entrance tests:


Winners and prize -winners of the Olympiads of the All -Russian and International levels


Champions and prize -winners of Olympic, Paralympic, Surdlimpyan Games


World champions, European champions

Within a special quota:

    The right to accept training within a special quota has:


Acceptance for targeted training is carried out if there is a target learning agreement concluded between the applicant and the customer of targeted learning, In accordance with the Regulation on targeted training and a typical form of a target training agreementestablished by the Government of the Russian Federation.

MPGU does not provide a list of organizations sending citizens to target training, and also does not carry out their selection. The applicants and (or) their legal representatives are engaged in this issue independently.

The issues of admission to targeted training are supervised by the head of the Office for the organization of admission to the MPSU Gorskin Boris Borisovich
(Prospect Vernadsky, d. 88, room 549)

Features of entrance tests for persons with disabilities and disabled people

Introductory tests of the MPSU are in writing according to examination materials formed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (Complete) General Education. The introductory test in the Russian language is carried out in the form of presentation.

We will certainly provide for you unhindered access to the audience, toilet rooms and other premises, ensure the convenience of staying at the MPSU building during entrance examinations and communicating with examiners and representatives of the selection committee.Teachers and assistants will help you cope with all the difficulties that arise (take a workplace, move around, read and complete the assignment) and ensure that the following requirements are met:

  1. Entrance tests are held in a separate audience.
  2. The number of applicants in one auditorium should not exceed 12 people (but if the presence of a larger number of applicants in the auditorium, including those without disabilities, does not create difficulties for you, you can pass the entrance examinations with them).
  3. According to your written application submitted before the start of the entrance test, the time of the entrance test in relation to the time of the USE in the corresponding general education subject can be increased, but not more than 1.5 hours.
  4. You will be provided with printed instructions on how to conduct entrance examinations.
  5. In the process of passing the entrance test, you will be able to use the necessary technical means.

We guarantee during the entrance examinations:

a) for the blind: the fact that the tasks of entrance examinations and instructions will be read to you by an assistant, and you can dictate the answers to written tasks to an assistant;

b) for the visually impaired: providing individual uniform illumination of at least 300 lux and (if necessary) the presence of a magnifying device; all tasks and instructions will be in large font (size 16 – 20);

c) for the deaf and hard of hearing: the availability of sound amplifying equipment for collective and (if necessary) individual use, as well as the assistance of a sign language interpreter;

e) for persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal system: the opportunity to dictate answers to written tasks to an assistant or (if desired) to pass the test orally.

Dear applicants! Remember that when submitting documents, you must, at your discretion, provide the admission committee with an original or a photocopy of one of the following documents:

  • Certificate of disability.
  • Conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission

We will do our best to make your admission to our university a pleasant memory for you, future students of Moscow State Pedagogical University!


The amount of competitive points is calculated as the sum of points for each entrance test, as well as for individual achievements.
The list of applicants is ranked according to the following criteria:

  1. In descending order of the sum of competitive points;
  2. If the sum of competitive points is equal – in descending order of the sum of competitive points awarded based on the results of entrance examinations, and (or) in descending order of the number of points awarded based on the results of individual entrance examinations, in accordance with the priority of entrance examinations established by the organization;
  3. Teachers and assistants will help you cope with all the difficulties that arise (take a workplace, move around, read and complete the assignment) and ensure that the following requirements are met:

Entrance tests are held in a separate audience.

  1. The number of applicants in one auditorium should not exceed 12 people (but if the presence of a larger number of applicants in the auditorium, including those without disabilities, does not create difficulties for you, you can pass the entrance examinations with them).
  2. According to your written application submitted before the start of the entrance test, the time of the entrance test in relation to the time of the USE in the corresponding general education subject can be increased, but not more than 1.5 hours.
  3. You will be provided with printed instructions on how to conduct entrance examinations.
  4. In the process of passing the entrance test, you will be able to use the necessary technical means.
  5. We guarantee during the entrance examinations:
  6. a) for the blind: the fact that the tasks of entrance examinations and instructions will be read to you by an assistant, and you can dictate the answers to written tasks to an assistant;
  7. b) for the visually impaired: providing individual uniform illumination of at least 300 lux and (if necessary) the presence of a magnifying device; all tasks and instructions will be in large font (size 16 – 20);
  8. c) for the deaf and hard of hearing: the availability of sound amplifying equipment for collective and (if necessary) individual use, as well as the assistance of a sign language interpreter;
  9. e) for persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal system: the opportunity to dictate answers to written tasks to an assistant or (if desired) to pass the test orally.
  10. Dear applicants! Remember that when submitting documents, you must, at your discretion, provide the admission committee with an original or a photocopy of one of the following documents:
  11. Certificate of disability.
  12. Conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission
  13. We will do our best to make your admission to our university a pleasant memory for you, future students of Moscow State Pedagogical University!


The amount of competitive points is calculated as the sum of points for each entrance test, as well as for individual achievements. 36
The list of applicants is ranked according to the following criteria: 40
In descending order of the sum of competitive points; 30
If the sum of competitive points is equal – in descending order of the sum of competitive points awarded based on the results of entrance examinations, and (or) in descending order of the number of points awarded based on the results of individual entrance examinations, in accordance with the priority of entrance examinations established by the organization; 35
In case of equality according to the criteria specified in paragraphs 1 and 2, a higher place in the list is occupied by applicants with a priority right to enroll. 32
Preferential enrollment rights are granted to the following persons: 39
Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care; 42
Disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II; 40
Citizens under the age of twenty who have only one parent – a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita income of the family is below the subsistence level established in the subject of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of these citizens; 36
Citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and who are subject to the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 N 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”; 36
Children of military personnel who died in the performance of military service duties or died as a result of injury (wounds, injuries, contusions) or diseases received by them in the performance of military service duties, including while participating in counter-terrorism operations and (or) other measures to combat terrorism; 40

Children of deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory;


Children of employees of internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, customs authorities, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, who died (deceased) due to injury or other damage to health received by them in connection with the performance of their official duties, or as a result of an illness acquired by them during their service in these institutions and bodies, and the children who were dependent on them;
Children of prosecutors who died (dead) due to injury or other damage to the health received during the service in the prosecution authorities or after dismissal due to causing harm to health in connection with their official activities;