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Comments on the material "If not for basketball, he would have died earlier." Alexander Belov – Hero of three seconds, who left at 26 | – News of St. Petersburg

I remember the comments of the material these three seconds of Belov in Munich, although I was very, very small. Ivan Pivshko introduced the ball into the game, threw it under the ring of Americans Alexander Belov, and Belov

Material comments

I remember these three seconds of Belov in Munich, although I was very, very small.
Ivan Pivshko introduced the ball into the game, threw it under the ring of the Americans Alexander Belov, and Belov did not miss.
. Now that I am walking along the alleys of the Northern Cemetery, I often pass by the monument to Alexander Belov. Nearby is the tombstone of his Spartak Comrade Viktor Pavlov.
. And then, on the other side of the alley – the mother of Alexander Belov. And the inscription The Great Mother of the Great Son.
It is a pity when children leave before parents.

Legend. The upward movement is a worthy monument to Alexander Belov and that seven of the 1972 national team, which are no longer. And, of course, Petrovich, Vladimir Petrovich Kondrashin.

Sarcoma of the heart. So he was doomed. I have a friend. From childhood, too, is very high. And back in 17 he spoke about the heart. Two higher cool formations. School of Music. He does not work anywhere and drinks a lot. It may feel that every day it may be the last.

At our University of Talents there are still young people who know about Belov, in YouTube now there are matches with him. While the memory is alive, he is alive and he

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