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Books for those who care about a career

A selection of books for those who want to move up the career ladder. What books will help your career.

Top 7 Books for Careerists

Moving up the career ladder is impossible without the development of professional competencies, as well as personal growth. We have prepared a selection of books for ambitious professionals who aspire to build a vertical career.

Leader Habits. The most important skills in a few minutes a day, Martin Lahnik

Martin Lanik is the head of a consulting agency, an expert in organizational psychology and author of leadership programs. He is convinced that in order to become an effective leader, it is not necessary to have an innate gift, it is enough to form the right habits in yourself and bring them to automatism.

Lanik studied the behavior of famous leaders from around the world and identified 22 key attitudes. The author describes them in detail and offers short five-minute exercises. With the help of the book, you can learn how to delegate tasks, plan, think strategically, and conduct successful negotiations.

Who the book is for: It will be useful for business owners, product managers, line managers.

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Whether you're coaching a high school football team, leading a bibliophile retiree club, raising kids, running a multi-billion dollar global corporation, or starting a startup, the qualities of an effective leader will help you achieve your goals in any area.

My Own MBA by Josh Kaufman

Josh Kaufman is a popular business coach. Paradoxically, the author of the bestselling book that helps millions of readers understand key business concepts did not himself receive the classic MBA degree. Kaufman consciously chose the path of self-education and now successfully teaches others.

The author has created an alternative textbook on entrepreneurship, which tells the principles of the business system, shows the traps and teaches how to solve problems of varying complexity.
Who this book is for: Beginning entrepreneurs and experienced businessmen who plan to reach new heights.

No matter who you are and what you are trying to do, you will get a new look at business and from now on you will not waste time fighting unnecessary fears, but devote it to doing business.

Career for Introverts by Nancy Enkowitz

Nancy Enkowitz is a successful business coach, teacher, blogger, and also, by her own admission, an introvert. Enkowitz notes that for such people, being in the public eye and defending their interests is not an easy task. However, introverts can achieve impressive business success and become successful leaders. And the author will tell you what to do for this.

Nancy Enkowitz provides advice and offers specific tools to help you understand how to choose a profession.They allow you to see your strengths and use them correctly, outline goals, create a personal promotion strategy and start action.

For whom the book: for introverts who want to be in sight more often and receive recognition.

You can break through your way without resorting to boasting or appeal to pity. It is also not necessary to decline, speak teeth and show excess pressure. And you do not need to be an egocentric.

“Flexible mind. How to see things differently and think non -standard , Estanislao Bahrah

Estanislao Bahrah is a doctor of sciences in molecular biology, a teacher and consultant for the development of leadership qualities. In the book, he suggests literally looking into the human brain and see how many hidden opportunities he contains in himself.

The author is sure: everyone can become more creative, and you can develop creative abilities at absolutely at any age. The main thing is to properly stimulate the brain. The scientist talks about scientifically proven brain development techniques and shows how to use them in everyday life.

For whom the book: for everyone who wants to develop creative thinking and preserve a clear mind until old age.

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My goal is to show that a creative approach means the ability not only to solve problems, eliminate conflicts or impress colleagues with your work, but also enjoy a more complete life.

Rules of an outstanding career, Stephen Covi

Stephen Covey is a famous business expert and teacher. His bestseller “Seven skills of highly effective people” Time magazine included 25 key business books in the list. “Rules of an outstanding career” is one of the last works of Covey, co -authored with the assistant Jennifer Kolosimo.

This book is an instruction for those who want to advance in their careers. You will change your attitude to work, learn to identify your own advantages and establish useful connections. There are no complex terms in it, but there are many examples and effective tips that have been repeatedly tested by successful entrepreneurs.

For whom the book: for those who want to understand the career guidance system, find a dream work and become the best employee.

Every person can have a great career, and it does not matter what he does.

To be a boss is normal, Bruce Tulgan

Bruce Tulgan is a recognized expert on leadership and management, coach and consultant of high-level managers and author of business books.

His book presents real examples and cases from professional practice, as well as clear recommendations that will help become a strong leader. You will learn how to clearly voice your expectations to subordinates, receive feedback from employees and analyze it, not to save mistakes, to correct them in time in order to form a truly strong team.

For whom the book: for managers of any level and owners of small business.

If you are a boss, then your first task is to make sure that every person to whom you control exactly understands what and how he must do in accordance with your expectations.

“Success is not an accident. Career growth laws , Simon Wein

Simon Vine is a graduate of the Columbia University Business School and one of the leading specialists in Russia in financial consulting, trading and investment, the top manager of Alfa-Bank.

Based on forty-year experience in the business sphere, Simon Wein formulated 49 tips that will greatly increase your chances to advance up the career ladder. The author’s advice teach to concentrate on important tasks, quickly adapt to changes, prevent conflicts, make decisions in crisis situations and create the right image.

For whom this book is: for everyone who wants to advance in the service.

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Do not be stubborn, defending your path. The hero of the career is one who reaches the goal, and not the one who performs the feat.