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Blogs – Pavel Soviet

Without Kevordo, the information Many of the Russians would like to live in a country like yours. These words of the deputy head of the State Department of the United States, dedicated to Ukraine, have become another evidence of how much

Without Kevordo


Many of the Russians would like to live in a country like yours. These words of the deputy head of the State Department of the United States, dedicated to Ukraine, have become another evidence of how anecdotically in Washington they see this country – however, like Russia. Why did Victoria Nuland make a similar statement and what is the real picture of the quality of Ukrainian life?

Many of the Russians would like to live in a country like yours. These words of the deputy head of the State Department of the United States, dedicated to Ukraine, have become another evidence of how anecdotically in Washington they see this country – however, like Russia. Why did Victoria Nuland make a similar statement and what is the real picture of the quality of Ukrainian life?

Official Kyiv in rabies: Alexander Lukashenko, who for a very long time refused to call Crimea Russian, finally publicly recognized this fact. Why did the president of Belarus decide on this step right now – and what consequences will it have for Crimea, for Russia as a whole and for official Minsk?

Official Kyiv in rabies: Alexander Lukashenko, who for a very long time refused to call Crimea Russian, finally publicly recognized this fact. Why did the president of Belarus decide on this step right now – and what consequences will it have for Crimea, for Russia as a whole and for official Minsk?

Express the list of these “nobody” and attach the list of those “who” (recognizes Lukashenko). And correlate with the population.
And take into account that the statement of the yellow press journalist: We do not recognize! – Nothing is worth it.
“Non -recognition” is the absence of the Lukashenkovsky ambassador to the state.
In addition to a pair of “Baltic tigers” – is there someone in the list of “unrecognizes”?

According to hundredths, the European Solidarity party Petro Poroshenko became the most popular political force in Ukraine, overtaking the “servant of the people” of the President of Zelensky and leaving the pro -Russian opposition far behind. Most likely, this is great in the merit of the Americans. Does this mean that Poroshenko will soon take revenge over Zelensky and regain power?

According to hundredths, the European Solidarity party Petro Poroshenko became the most popular political force in Ukraine, overtaking the “servant of the people” of the President of Zelensky and leaving the pro -Russian opposition far behind.
Someone still considers them lost brothers?!
No-no, no, no techniques in Russia, no matter how they crawl on their knees! …

According to hundredths, the European Solidarity party Petro Poroshenko became the most popular political force in Ukraine, overtaking the “servant of the people” of the President of Zelensky and leaving the pro -Russian opposition far behind.Most likely, this is great in the merit of the Americans. Does this mean that Poroshenko will soon take revenge over Zelensky and regain power?

According to hundredths, the European Solidarity party Petro Poroshenko became the most popular political force in Ukraine, overtaking the “servant of the people” of the President of Zelensky and leaving the pro -Russian opposition far behind.
Someone still considers them lost brothers?!
No, no, no, no techniques in Russia, no matter how they crawl on their knees later! Wait until they die. After that, treat this with a gystyas with chlorine and napalm – and only then start the reconneization of the land.

And even after such a sanobratua, to wait for at least 1,100 years. Only then it will be possible to assume with confidence that the ukrination will be over and for all.

Ukraine is in parallel through negotiations on the Donbass, about this the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced at the press marathon on November 26.

Dear patients were in Ukraine the president -apparatus now we have a president -Durak. Nobody argues like that, but you do not think that it gives at least some additional chance to Russian fascists. Nope, you have no chance to capture Ukraine and never had.

Ukraine is in parallel through negotiations on the Donbass, about this the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced at the press marathon on November 26.

Dear patients were in Ukraine the president -apparatus now we have a president -Durak. Nobody argues like that, but you do not think that it gives at least some additional chance to Russian fascists. Nope, you have no chance to capture Ukraine and never had.

Of course, no, about 50 years old so that the prerequisites for capture appear. And now, having seen the Russian flag, for example Gordon, will lead the procession of those who meet with flowers, with the words I have always been for ours, and not for the Nazis of pro -Western '

Yes, yes, these are these kinds of still like those. Russia released the Pridetsrkov into a free fall, the result of the Kaklyatskaya Haru.

The new pension reform is discussed in Ukraine. This time we are talking about the residents of the country mainly on their own for their old age. The idea at first glance is good, but in reality the matter is that two -thirds of the Ukrainian old people in the coming years will be left without a livelihood. How did this happen?

.. Solder pension system is an anachronism. What the hell is solidarity. She was fair except in Soviet times, when there was held accountable for parasitism.
And now, during the time of unemployment, those who have folded a job in his youth, and in old age Normul. And those who were interrupted by random earnings, which in old age hang.

The new pension reform is discussed in Ukraine. This time we are talking about the residents of the country mainly on their own for their old age. The idea at first glance is good, but in reality the matter is that two -thirds of the Ukrainian old people in the coming years will be left without a livelihood. How did this happen?

.. Solder pension system is an anachronism. What the hell is solidarity. She was fair except in Soviet times, when there was held accountable for parasitism.
And now, during the time of unemployment, those who have folded a job in his youth, and in old age Normul. And those who were interrupted by random earnings, which in old age hang.
No seniority and merits. The manual for old age and illness is the same for everyone. Pension fund in the furnace. He is already subsidized for a long time from the State.

Yaba was not upset in your place. It’s good that I don't agree with you. What does it mean interrupted by your words? This is right now in fashion for those who do not want to work, I know a lot of people who want to live with dignity and start enough for a comfortable life. And I am from the hard workers and worked a lot and I do not complain about the size of my pension.